tel: 01473 233442

Special Educational Needs

Here at Buzzbee Babes we strongly believe that all children should be provided with a caring, nurturing environment which is tailored to meet their individual needs, this is why we offer enhanced support for those children with emerging SEN or with diagnoses SEN.

We will always invite parents in for an initial show around with your child so we can let them access the environment and discuss their individual needs and we can discuss sessions which have SEN availability.

In order to ensure that the needs of all children within the setting we offer a limited number of provisional spaces for those with SEN, this allows us to ensure that we can meet the individual, tailored needs of those with SEN as well as support the needs of the other children attending the setting. Implementing this ensures that staff are responsive the planning of the rooms as well have having time to engage meaningfully with all children throughout the day.

Where children attend with suspected needs prior to them starting we will liaise with parents in order to make contact with the outside professionals you have already been working with, this allows us to ensure we have all the relevant information about your child so we can implement effective strategies to meet their needs.

Where children are already in attendance and their needs begin to emerge we will meet with you to discuss this and together decide on a plan of action of how best to support their needs.

Our usual system for SEN is as follows :

We will monitor the children for the first 6 weeks they are in attendance, this allows us to make detailed observations across all areas of the EYFS.

This information will be collaborated into their first parents evening and will be shared in detail with you, we will then decide on next steps for the child which is usually :

To undertake a Wellcomm assessment which is an assessment which looks at communication and understanding of the child, we would then share the results of this with you and the Wellcomm will be reviewed in 3 months.

If after 3 months the child is still showing as behind in their outcome from the Wellcomm a referral will be made to Speech and Language, this can also be supported with appendices for children who have English as an additional language and those with suspected Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

We will also make contact with your Health Visitor to see if there are any interventions which we can implement to support them and what other actions have already been undertaken.

We will always provide activities and experiences of interest to the children and these can be tailored and more specific to their needs, they will have their own SEN plan which will detail the individual targets which will be carried out with them over the course of the week and these will be reviewed and summarised each half term as well as updated when we receive updates from other professionals.